Sunday, 10 May 2015

Organic Followers - a Guarantee of Success of Social Media Marketing

In Social Media Marketing, it is essential to grow followers. Followers play two critical roles; firstly they endorse your brand, become ambassadors and expose you to more followers; secondly they engage and give you leads that can improve your product offering. If you are able to tickle your followers on the right sport, you will make them affirm and rave about you. If the raving is at the right chord, it will influence their followers to also rave about you and your brand. This could lead to your campaign going viral. But before striking this chord you must develop a relationship with your followers. No one follows anyone for the fun of it, there are attracted to you for a particular reason. How then can one know what will tickle their followers? This leads us to a very critical component of Social Media Marketing. Our campaigns aught to have a specific audience. If we plan a campaign that targets everyone and anyone, it his highly unlikely that it will compel anyone to respond, remember the aim is to engage.

Organic followers are attracted by how we present ourselves and not necessarily what we are offering. They will like us for what they assume we are - remember first appearance... The onus is on us to affirm their assumptions about us. How we present ourselves is very cardinal in Social Media Marketing. Ambiance and etiquette are critical in all our campaigns. With tools and applications; some available for free - it is possible to come up with attractive, appealing and professional campaigns. So, Content Marketing is not only about presenting detailed content about our products; how the content is presented will attract us followers. Once we have them following us, we then give them interesting content that will leave them excited and wanting to share it with their own followers.

Another method of appealing to organic followers is to use influencers.  In Social Media, they are individuals that command significant numbers of followers. You can either follow an influencer with the aim of attracting their followers with your work. One can also ask an influencer within their area to become their brand ambassador by blogging about them. The influencer can also write and you post the blog in your own site. Note that the idea is still to build your own followers. The role of the influencer remains limited to introducing you to their space where you will have to exert your own influence on your brand and campaigns.

It is only when you have grown organic followers, that for growth purposes, you may consider promoting your campaigns. Promoted campaigns are your paid advertisements, where you pay your platform to push your campaigns to reach those who are not following you. If you rush for boosted campaigns when there are less people raving about your brand, it might appear phony. Strategically you are better off responding to your followers directly about your campaigns. As you are seeking engagement, it appears rude if the very people whom you want to engage receive automated responses.

How have you grown organic followers? Mind sharing on comments below...... If you need assistance with your Social Media Marketing Strategy, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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