Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Types of followers in Social Media and how to target them as your audience

Social Media experts generally agree on 7 different types of followers, with some adding an 8th. In our article Targeting and Growing an Audience, we noted that followers are not necessarily in Social Media to look for products/services to purchase. It requires skill and tact to be able to convert a follower into a sale. You cannot appeal to anyone with your content unless you understand why they are following you. Below are the different types of followers and the type of content you could possibly use to attract them.
Follower Type                                                               Possible Content 
·         The quite follower – just there reading your content
Content should show how products or services are going to be of help/benefit to them
·         Casual liker – they fancy some of your posts, and will occasionally 'like'
Have content that makes this follower feel like part of your product offering. They already fancy you, make them see how they are missing out by not buying your product or service
·         Deal seeker – always looking for promotions / uses Social Media to stay up to date on business
Offer specials; Run competitions; Make offers for purchases processed through Social Media Forums or in response to any activity in Social Media
·         The unhappy customer – is there to share a bad experience
We all make mistakes; be ready to apologize. Come up with deals aimed at making peace
·         The ranter – always yelling about something
Some of our clients suffer from challenges that have nothing to do with our products or services.
Do not delete these from following you. Their comments won’t change who we are, but understanding them might provide the right attraction
·         The cheerleader – loves your brand and everything you post
That this groups raves about us does not automatically make them want to buy from us. We still need to nudge them in the direction. Content targeting this group should not only appeal for a sale but should be shareable so that they become our word-our-of-mouth advertisers as well.
·         The loyal fan – always has your back
This is the group that will comprise mostly of happy and satisfied customers. Whilst we have already done business with them we still need to target them for repeat business and they provide vital information on product improvement or development
·         The Fakers – cheap followers bought from agencies; In early 2014 – 1 out of 10 twitter accounts were fake; mid 2012 – Facebook had 83 million fake accounts. Source

Some Social Media experts will advise you to buy followers and some can show you tricks on how to have thousands overnight followers. You are also going to be followed by fake accounts. Whilst these should be avoided, where we do come across them, let us not even waste time pretending to be addressing multitudes, we can never fake a sale.
 Our posts should therefore not only comprise of advertisements or promotions or special offers. We need to have a content mix that will address the needs of all these different followers. Our follower mix will determine how fast we can start converting followers into sales. We can never come up with content to share without understanding our follower make up. Classifying our followers into their different types, marks the beginning of the audience targeting process.
For assistance in classifying your followers and targeting your audience to yield a higher Return On Investment in your Social Media efforts, contact us on +27218516121 / +27799319372

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Targeting and growing an audience in Social Media Marketing

I was reading an article that was discussing how some organisations are not realizing the value they expected on Social Media Marketing. The author had their own reasons whilst those who joined the conversation through comments added their diverse views. Basically it boiled down to two important aspects. The first one being the ability to differentiate between followers who are just potential clients, and followers who are an audience for your content. The second aspect being the ability to have an accurate measure of your efforts. We are going to restrict our article on the first aspect.

To better understand followers and a target audience, I will use the following example. If you went for a football match for your local popular team and found the stadium filled to capacity. There is a high probability that there is a sizable number of potential clients for your product or service within the crowd. However if you somehow got a way of making a sales pitch to part of the crowd, maybe those sitting close to you, its highly unlikely you will get a sale. Reason being that the emotional state may not be conducive and also the mission of your neighbors in the stadium could be very far from the need for your product or service. This scenario might almost be exactly what frustrates most organizations with Social Media Marketing. Most of the account holders in these forums did not open their accounts to look for products or services to buy. Advertisements, which are mainly graphic chew up a lot of data for those who do not have access to free internet, offending the would be viewer. However with a well structured strategy, it is possible to appeal to these followers and even convert them into sales. The first step of a smart marketing strategy is identification of a specific audience and presenting them with engaging content. Posting advertisements without any prior engagement might be disastrous.

I once read somewhere where an entrepreneur was having issues with their Facebook marketing campaigns because the return on investment was below what they considered acceptable. Their standard of evaluation was the low sales that the campaign had generated. They then queried why the traffic that they witness in Amazon did not compare with what they found on Social Media Forums. This simplistic view overlooked a cardinal fact that we have alluded to. Those that open accounts on Facebook may not be having any intention to purchase anything; whilst those in the corridors of Amazon are in essence there for shopping. This brings us to a critical point in audience identification. Most of those found in the Social Media Forums, might be there for various reasons, but one thing for sure they are hungry for information. Now our target audience should not only be potential clients, but we should target to engage even former customers so that they can vouch for us and our service offering.

When we evaluate our Return On Investment (ROI) in our Social Media Campaigns, we can not only look at sales generated and consider that a competent evaluation. Social Media has the capability to help us build a strong brand. A strong brand will not give us sales today but will leave us with a competitive edge. An astute strategy on material to share on Social Media will take into cognizance conversations with past clients for social proof; relevant information and professional advice to attract new customers; dialogue with industry influencers to affirm our product/service knowledge. Therefore when we define our audience, we need to make sure that we are conversing with all these three categories. The growth of our audience will also follow the same path, which should equally be reflected in our content. The more past customers we have, the more new clients we are able to attract and the more industry influencers will find it easy to identify with us. The numbers that reflect as our followers will not automatically become sales. It requires tact and skill to convert them.

How have you justified or reconciled the difference between your overall followers and sales conversion from you Social Media Forums? Kindly share with your comments below.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Organic Followers - Your Social Media Currency

One of the greatest philosophers Aristotle has this to say about Friends, "What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." Another all time wise man, King Solomon states; "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." These statements depict friendship as an emotional connection. In fact friends are viewed to have an inseparable connection. I would vouch for my friend and they can sacrifice anything on my acount. However, the advent of Social Media has literally redefined the meaning of friendship. In 1990 a British anthropologist Robin Dunbar in studying the relation between brain size and average social group, suggested that, "....humans can comfortably maintain 150 stable relationships." But we find in Social Media, an average person doubling that number. Some celebrity profiles have friends that run into millions per account. 

What Social Media defines as friends, is not the normal intimate relations that we have as friends in the real world. However the principles of acquiring these friends remain the same. Take note that different Social Media Forums have different names for relations. On Facebook you can have up to 5000 friends but if you opt to have followers or are running a business page, you have unlimited followers. Instagram and Twitter has followers, with an unlimited maximum. In LinkdIn there is a combination of connections - those that you have a two-way relationship with. You can also follow someone, where you will be able to see all their updates by they do not see yours. In order to avoid confusion, for the purpose of this article we will refer all Social Media relations as followers

Organic Followers
Organic depicts originality. It has become a popular word nowadays with the advent of genetically modified foods. In Social Media it is possible to modify followers. Organic followers are those that we attain naturally. It could be that they have always been in our circle of friends, and we connect on Social Media. I believe that there are primary and secondary Organic Followers. The primary Organic Followers are; family members, school mates, workmates, members of professional associations and church mates. In the second group of Organic Followers will be; those from our neighborhood, those in the same profession with us, same industry, share similar beliefs or those we share friends on Social Forums. Although relations may not be intimate, we share something in common and they would not hesitate to either vouch for us or confirm our authenticity. Basically they provide social proof about us. These are the followers who will always like our content, will not hesitate to comment and or share our work. However it does not follow that they can automatically be converted to sales when we market ourselves in Social Media Forums.

Paid/Bulk or Mass Followers
As the name implies, these are the modified followers. There are several ways that one can amass these followers. On Twitter one can follow a large number of people each day and wait for them to follow back. Then you go and unfollow those that did not follow you back, and you could artificially inflate your followers. This is called Aggressive Following Technique. On Facebook and Twitter, you can pay a 3rd party who has thousands of 'zombie' accounts to follow you or like your page. This is called Zombie Account Following. In all honesty, this is a wasted investment because for starters you risk your account being suspended, above that, you will be living a lie. Your brand can never grow when you are being followed by 'zombies'. In Facebook others use Like-Gates to entice followers. In order to qualify for a contests one is required to like the Facebook page running the contest. Large numbers can be attracted, but be rest assured they will pay no attention to your other efforts as their only interest will be the contest. Since only a few are going to win, those that feel unfairly treated have a potential to actually bad mouth your page inflicting damage to your brand. Boosting our presence on Social Media Forums will with no doubt make us visible to potential markets that we have no relations with. But an astute Social Media Strategist, will make sure that we have a healthy social proof from Organic followers before engaging in any paid media.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Why it is crucial to have a strategy guiding your efforts in Social Media Marketing

Advertising in Social Media can be low cost without compromising quality. That is great news. In fact it is possible to run free campaigns. I recently saw an interview of a Marketing Manager for a low cost airline who was saying they were only running their marketing campaigns on Social Media as part of their strategy to reduce costs. However the key to success is having a sound strategy for your efforts. Dropping advertisements, sharing blog posts or running campaigns without a strategy that spells out target audiences, means of reaching out, desired results, intelligent data analysis and program evaluation is futile and might actually produce negative results.

I have been working with a client who is an Immigration Attorney. They opened a Facebook business page and their immediate action was to flight advertisements. Obviously they attracted a lot of traffic to their page. Unfortunately most of the respondents where not exactly their target market. Of a bigger challenge was the fact that some of those that were commenting were actually querying the authenticity of  these attorneys. A mere advertisement did not quite achieve the desired results. Their efforts equally lacked social proof - a cardinal component for success in Social Media Marketing. I also found lacking in their efforts the human element in their communication. One of the proprietors in this project is on a LinkdIn, they have a Twitter account, but these are not active nor are they linked to the business Facebook page. It has been proven that clients easily engage with a personality.

Another interesting experience I had was with a client who is running an accounting firm. They also ran advertisements on Facebook but they are linked to their personal account. The challenge that I found with their work was that they were not taking advantage of content marketing to share relevant information with their target market. A technical and legislated service offering like accounting, naturally requires a lot of information sharing. Information shared could be from other technocrats, service providers and regulatory authorities. Source of relevant information is not much of an issue, what is important is to show that you have adequate knowledge about that information. As you share advice and relevant information, showcase your expertise to assist your potential clients utilize the information to their most advantage.

I am currently working on a Marketing Strategy for a client in the Construction Industry but offering a unique service. Initially the client was not convinced that their services can be marketed through Social Media Forums. But after noting that most of their clients are on Social Media Forums, they have since acknowledged the possibility of running a successful marketing program through these forums. The uniqueness of their product and regulations in their industry are a lucrative environment for content marketing. What is clear from most of these experiences is that enlisting the services of a consultant will help you identify the best methods to pursue. Marketing efforts need to be treat differently from mere information dissemination. A specialist will also help you come up with appropriate evaluation methods which are cardinal for the measure of Return on Investment.

Are you realising your desired results with your Social Media Marketing efforts? Maybe you have not yet considered Social Media Marketing. Get in touch and lets see how best we can assist.